Where are you going?

As you set out on your financial journey, there are many paths before you. How do you know which way to go, when what lies beyond the bend is uncertain?

The Granite Hill Capital Guidance process helps you gain perspective by applying a disciplined process for setting – and keeping – your sights locked onto your long-view plans.

1. Listening

It’s your story, not ours. What do you most want to accomplish with your wealth, and what do you most hope to avoid by way of risks? We start by listening.

2. Determining scope

You may want a thorough review toward establishing a solid path … or a more modest second opinion on your current course. We’ll scale your personalized guidance plan accordingly.

3. Reviewing challenges

Research has indicated that most investors are “loss averse,” which means you’ll feel more pain if you fall short of your financial goals than you’ll feel pleasure if you overshoot them. We help you pay particular attention to market risk, so you can face financial challenges with greater confidence.

4. Planning for success

We can’t tell you what the future holds; no one can. But we can point you along appropriate paths by helping you consider a realistic range of best- and worst-case return rates on your investments. That way, whether the markets disappoint or delight us moving forward, you can be better prepared with reasonably informed saving and spending plans.

5. Taking action

After assessing a range of possible actions, we narrow in to an agreed-upon plan. We document your plan, including future steps to keep you on target … and then we implement it into your investment activities.

6. Tracking outcomes

Ongoing monitoring and reporting serves as your compass as you proceed, helping you adjust for changes in market conditions or personal circumstances, without wandering off-course from your long-term goals.

The Granite Hill
Capital Guidance Process

The Destination:
Your Personalized
Investment Strategy